Compositions on the Sound of Bells

Three Swiss churches situated along the Basel-Jura-DreiSeen Weg,
part of the European Saint James ways

What is there in the sound of the bells? Compositions on the sound of bells for four part mixed choir,
a new access to our basic values and emotions

Karin Merazzi-Jacobson

Can our basic values in a fundamentally changed, multi-cultural and secularised society still be transmitted, awakened or revivified through chiming church bells and through music? What significance has the sound of church bells to modern man? Peace? Peace disturbed? Fatherland? Foreignness? Community? Exclusion? Responsibility? Freedom? Habit? Memory? History?
In the interdisciplinary project "What is there in the sound of the bells?" I have turned these questions into music trying to actualise them and to make them accessible out of an artistic and emotional perspective. A first realisation of the project (document in German) was inspired by the bells of the churches of Ligerz, Twann, and Bienne. It took place in 2010 at the " The 1000 Questions' Night" in Bienne.