The Village Church - Church Ligerz


Listen the composition "The Village Church", performed by Bieler Kammerchor conducted by Alfred Schilt, performed during the „1000 Questions's Night“ in the garden of the Museum Neuhaus, Biel.


Uesi Chilche

Musik: Karin Merazzi-Jacobson 2008
Text: René Begré 2008

Ligerz het e schöni Chyuche
z'mitts i de grüene Räbe
Alli chöi do Friede finde
Bi Sunneschyn und Räge

Ihr Chyuche het es prächtige Fänschter
Mit farbige Schyybe drin
Und si verzelle vieli Gschichte
Si sie i üsem Sinn

Dr Turm där luegt i ds Seeland use
Aer gseht ou die höche Bärge
Do si mier Aerdemöntsche
Drnäbe nume Zwärge

Dr Piugerwäg geit do verbi
Unger de alte Bäume
Uf de Bänkli cha me sinne
oder ou chly träume

The Village Church

Music: Karin Merazzi-Jacobson 2008
Original version: René Begré 2008
English adaptation: Karin Merazzi-Jacobson

In the middle of green vineyards
high up stands the church of Ligerz.
Everyone can find peace there
sun shining, or rain pouring.

The many somptuous stained-glass windows,
bright and colourful their panes,
tell their tales of times long gone
unforgettably, forever.

The belfry overlooks the Seeland plains
and the distant range of mountain peaks
Should we compare ourselves to them,
how very tiny we'd appear!

An ancient pilgrim path will lead you
to a shady place under old trees.
Take your time to meditate
and wander through your daydreams.