The Bells of Twann - Church Twann


D'Glogge vo Twann

Musik: Karin Merazzi-Jacobson 2010
Text: Marianne Käser-Ruff 2010

1. Vo wytem d’Bärge, gäng scho do
Hei vo de Glogge vo Twann wou scho vernoh
Die lütte gäge Süde, use i See
Gäh em änge Dorf Wyti und ds Wüsse, s’git de noh meh,

begleite d’Lütt dür ds Läbe hie am Ort
töne gäng wie nöi a ds steile Bort
Drei Tön, die säge dür d Räbe und em Wäg vo de Piuger
am Afang isch ds Wort - am Afang isch es Wort.

2. Ghörsch du zwo Glogge, tuet’s mängem weh.
Unändlech schwär isch ds Nie-, Nie-Meh.
D’Glogge verzeue vom Stärbe ou -
Git’s ächt für d Mönsche e Himmu wie ne junge Räbbärg im Tou?

Si wärde stiu, i dr Chiuche sitze d Lüt,
Chöme langsam zue sich bis zum nächschte Glütt.
Zwo Tön, die leite dür d Räbe und em Wäg vo de Piuger
i ds no junge Hütt, - dür die Räbe i ds Hütt.

3. Nümme ganz früech am Tag ghörsch häu e Klang
Use i Sunntigmorge – d’Glogge vo Twann.
Kämpfe gäge Lärm vor grosse Stroos,
Si gwinne, lütte lang übere See und i ds Grosse Moos.

Nume ei Glogge – sie schlot d Zyt.
Möcht isch es no so gärn, ändere chasch äs nid.
Ei Ton, dä leitet dür d Räbe und em Wäg vo de Piuger und seit:
„`S isch noh wyt“ - und seit: „´S isch nümme wyt“

The Bells of Twann

Music: Karin Merazzi-Jacobson 2010
Original version: Marianne Käser-Ruff 2010
English adaptation: Karin Merazzi-Jacobson

1. Far away mountains, old as the sun,
Have always known of them, the Bells of Twann.
Bells that chime o'er the lake, from shore to shore
Giving the village a sense of horizon, the knowledge that there is much more.

Faithful, old companions to the people living there
Yet novel's the echo along steep slopes and stairs.
Three bells that lead you through vineyards and the Pilgrim Way, in the beginning is the word
- In the beginning is a word.

2. Hearing two bells you'll know, people with grief are torn
Infinitely hard is that Never, Nevermore.
Two bells of dying and death then speak to you
Is there a heaven for mankind, a very young vineyard with morning dew?

The bells are silenced, the people in the church
slowly recover before the next outburst
Two notes that lead you through vineyards and the Pilgrim Way back to life everyday
through vineyards: “Life's today!”

3. Ceased have the chimes at dawn, gone's that bright sound
except on Sunday morn, the Bells of Twann
Fighting against the road and its deafening noise
Winning, the bells keep on ringing across the lake to the Grosse Moos.

One single bell strikes the hours that pass
Remember that your time on earth is limited, alas!
One note that leads you through vineyards and the Pilgrim Way saying “It's still quite far”
- saying “It's no more far”.