Puntate Sonja is an art project, which came into being quite spontaneously during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sonja Riva’s regular documentary radio progammes in Italian, treating classical as well as current topics within many different domains, gave rise to quick, intuitive feed-back that Karin Merazzi drew while listening. These drawings were then immediately scanned and sent back by Email to the radio-journalist as a personal feed-back. There were no prepondered rules, project priorities, time schedules or ulterior aim deciding over the content of this totally free activity.
The pandemic persisted and the drawings continued to accumulate, so that at the end of 2020 they became an entity in the form of a book – Puntate Sonja.
Most of the radio-programmes are still available under the links in the document Puntate Sonja_programmi audio here below. Use your cut and paste function!
Take a look at the book cover and the book Puntate Sonja.
Downloading the book with all the drawings will take a couple of minutes!