I feel like laughing when I see
the sun staring down at me
from the other side
of the leafless tree.
Bare branches reach
the moon will be new tomorrow.
New life, new hope,
new grief, new sorrow.
I feel like laughing when I see
your eyes moving close to me
from the other side
of the leafless tree.
I feel like laughing when I see.
Ave Maria
gratia plena
Dominus tecum
ave Maria
benedicta tu in mulieribus
et benedictus fructus ventris tui Jesus
Santa Maria ora pro nobis
Nu är det natt över jorden.
Darrande stjärna, gläns!....etc.
Night is now is upon the Earth.
Trembling star, shine!....etc.
I: Karin Merazzi (*1957); II: Gospel according to Luke
and early church tradition; III:Erik Blomberg
(1894-1965) from the anthology of poems 'Jorden' ('Earth')
1920. Copyright © Erik Blomberg, licensed through ALIS,
Musical quotes:
Apart from the initial trumpet fanfares originating from "Vespro
della Beata Vergine" by Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643), and a
brief, mirrored passage of the prélude "La fille aux cheveux de
lin" by Claude Debussy (1862-1918), the whole second part of "Nu
är det natt över jorden" builds directly on Pierre-Louis
Dietsch's (1808-1865) fourpart, sacred contrafacture of the
threepart, secular chanson "Nous voyons que les hommes" by Jakob
Arcadelt (1504/1506-1562/1568).